Thursday, April 9, 2015


Okay, so we're going into this week's post assuming that you have a basic knowledge of hetero and homosexuality. 
If you don't, you can find information about them here and here
Now that we've got that out of the way, let's talk a little about bisexuality. Now what is "bisexuality"? Well, according to this, bisexual is being "sexually attracted to both men and women, having both male and female sex parts,  relating to or involving two sexes". 
I'm hoping I'm not the only person who has a problem with this definition. 
Let's take another look, shall we? "Sexually attracted to both men and women, having both male and female sex parts, relating to or involving two sexes". 
Okay wait.. "having both male and female sex parts"? That doesn't seem right to me. If you look up what it means to have both male and female sex "parts" (really, Merriam-Webster; you couldn't even write sex organs, or genitalia??) it will take you to the word "hermaphroditism" and according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, hermaphroditism is "the condition of having both male and female reproductive organs". 
Explain that, Merriam-Webster. 
Being someone who identifies as a bisexual female, I understand the general definition of what bisexual means. To me, it means that you have an attraction towards two genders. 
To my knowledge, most people associate bisexual people with only liking men and women. I, however, disagree because there aren't just men and women. There are many different genders that do not and will not fit into the tiny tiny box of your narrow mind. 
Seeing as I am only one person, I decided I needed to gather a little more evidence to prove my point that bisexuals do in fact exist. 
I was racking my brain trying to remember thing I had seen or looked up or videos I had watched that had to do with bisexuality. 
I remember seeing this video floating around my "What to Watch" page on YouTube

This video was made by YouTube personality R.J. Aguiar on his channel TheNotAdam.
In this video, he talks about what it means to be bisexual to him. 
The video starts with him taking a HUGE breath in making an audible sigh. I love this because I think it is what most Bi people think of doing what asked about their sexuality repeatedly. 
He goes on to say "Alright internet. So I want to put an end to a question I keep getting over and over. So, let me just state once clearly and unambiguously for the record; that YES I am a bisexual male. I know I've talked about this multiple times on my channel and on our main channel and on our website, but it apparently doesn't seem to be getting through to some of you"
In my experience, this is what most bisexual people have to endure all the time. People don't believe that we are even REAL or that bisexuality is even a thing! 

I'm sure (if you haven't already) by now, you're asking yourself why I am talking about bisexuality.
The short answer is we read a few articles about it in my Gender & Mass Media class and watched a video about gay representation in the media and it just made me so angry. 
One of the articles we read was titled "The Limitations of the Discourse of Norms: Gay Visibility and Degrees of Transgression". We also watched a video along with that article. In the video it talked about how in media, television shows especially, a character can only be bisexual if it is made clear that they are only experimenting and if it is found otherwise, they are most likely going to be killed off. This really started to "grind my gears", I suppose. 
I guess, the fact that, in my experience, most people associate bisexuality with being  confused or only experimenting is a) bullshit and b) just a ridiculous thought. 
I mean where are people getting their information from? 
Also, where do people get the idea that someone is more promiscuous if they identify as bisexual???
Promiscuity is based solely on the individual being promiscuous. Sexual preference has nothing to do with how much sex a person can/ wants to have. (Unless you identify as asexual, I suppose, but that is a post for another day). 
Anyway, there are three things I wish to leave you with today

Oh, and one more thing I almost forgot..
Here's an amazing ASL cover of "Thnks fr th mmrs"
You're welcome in advance

1 comment:

  1. I really like this post. I cannot believe that they said that being “bisexual” meant that you were both genders. Like that is ridiculous. I was one of those people who thought that females who were bisexual just meant that they were curious. They all seemed that way in high school and my perception did not change until my first year in college and I actually met a bisexual girl. Every female I met previously was confused or curious or promiscuous which made me think that way. After that I found out that being bisexual was something that a lot of people are. They aren’t attracted to gender technically but attracted to who treats them right whether it is male or female. I didn’t think males could be bisexual I just had assumed that they were all gay until I met my best friend who is bisexual. Yes I was ignorant to the fact that people are bisexual because what I seen had made me think that way. I honestly don’t care who people are attracted to as long as it makes them happy.
