Thursday, February 5, 2015

Rumor has it, he's too old for you.

Well, its 8:45 on the night this blog post has to go up. In less than three hours, I have to have completed a 350 word blog post that needs to express the ideas of both gender and media while tying in topics we have talked about in class. Oh, and it also has to make sense and sound eloquent, I’m sure. Originally, I was going to discuss one of my favorite TV shows, and then the topic went to the show “Everybody Hates Chris” and the working class African American family, and now who knows. There is a myriad of topics I could be discussing right now, but the truth is; I don’t know much about anything that has to do with media or the way gender ties into it. So, let’s talk about something I do know; movies. My mother has the movie “Rumor Has It” on in the background while I’m trying to type this. I’m watching Jennifer Anniston kiss Kevin Costner and it is getting me thinking about the age difference between the two characters. I mean, he had sex with her mother for God sakes, and her grandmother! Not judging, of course, but…anyway. Now I’m looking up the age differences between other characters in other well-known movies. This search led me to a site that talked about on screen age differences. This offered zero information, other than the titles of the movies I am about to talk about. In the movie, “PrettyWoman”, Richard Gere was 40 and Julia Roberts only 22; leaving an 18 year age gap between the two. In the movie, “The Wolf of Wall Street”, Leonardo Dicaprio’s and Margot Robbie’s age difference is that of 16 years (can you believe he is only 39?!). Another example of Richard Gere loving his younger ladies is the 2012 film “Arbitrage”. In this film, Gere is 63 and his costar Laetitia Casta is 34, this means there was a 29 year age gap between the two of them. And finally, let’s bring it back to “Rumor Has It”, in this movie; Kevin Costner is a young 50 while Jennifer Anniston is 36. In case math isn’t your strong suit, that’s 14 years between the two. There was a film we watched in class recently that talked about the age gap between men and their younger female lovers in film. In my opinion, in the media, women are made to look and be younger, as well as demure and pure. Women are made to look weak. Women are made to look like as soon as an older man takes interest in you, you need to drop everything to be with him. That is just not the case in real life, or at least it shouldn’t be. Let's end this "angsty" post with something empowering brought to you by the ever so wonderful, Fall Out Boy.   


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